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Have Confidence in Your Staff Like Never Before With FrameworkAcademy

FrameworkAcademy is your essential Education and Learning Management System designed to help LTC Pharmacies alleviate the burden of training, improve staff effectiveness, and reduce the human barriers to scalability and growth. Empower your organization with a comprehensive learning ecosystem that fosters engagement, collaboration, and measurable results through this new and exciting education and training subscription platform.

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More Than Just a Training Manual

Unlike other learning platforms that rely on generic text-heavy documentation and user forums, FrameworkAcademy is designed to ensure learning lasts. With 250+ unique courses, 10+ role-based learning paths, and hundreds of hours of content, FrameworkAcademy is your essential tool to onboard new staff, ensure existing staff are operating at peak efficiency, and expand into new verticals and business lines without the hurdles of learning.

Unlock the Benefits of FrameworkAcademy

Training Made Easy: Ensure staff have full confidence in their role while reducing the training burden on managers and experienced staff with a comprehensive and detailed learning program walking users through every step of their daily job functions.

360-Degree Staff Efficiency: By ensuring new staff are well-trained and able to do their job role effectively from day 1, you rapidly increase their path to positive productivity while alleviating the constant productivity drain of training and instructing burdening your more experienced staff.

Scalability Made Simple: Adding new business lines, expanding into locations, and adopting new technologies that are necessary when growing your pharmacy often requires you to hire new staff, train existing staff, or both. FrameworkAcademy makes the burden of large-scale education and training an afterthought, accelerating your ability to invest in and grow your pharmacy.

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Designed to Accommodate Every Type of Learner

FrameworkAcademy caters to all learning styles, breaking down complex pharmacy processes into bite-sized steps. Our curriculum is designed to intuitively translate to user's preferred learning style to ensure that education is effective, efficient, and engaging for all.

For the Visual Learner: Courses are packed with clear, concise visuals that highlight key steps and callouts, guiding you through each section with ease.

For the Auditory Learner: Listen your way to success with dynamic text-to-voice narration. Choose from a variety of AI voices powered by MurfAI and hear concepts come to life in the voice you choose.

For the Reading and Writing Learner: Dive into comprehensive written chapters that break down complex topics into bite-sized pieces. Reinforce learning by taking notes directly within the system, recording your thoughts for future reference.

For the Kinetic Learner: Get hands-on experience in our interactive labs. Click through simulated start-to-finish workflows to develop confidence in a safe, guided environment.

FrameworkLTC is trusted by over 700 long-term care pharmacies of all sizes, both the largest
pharmacy networks in the nation and independent pharmacies alike. 

FrameworkAcademy has allowed us to asynchronously educate hundreds of employees on new features and processes within FrameworkLTC and FrameworkECM, saving time and resources when rolling out new standards. 

Gretchen Vincil, Ph.D., MBA | Senior Director, IV Implementation PharMerica

Gretchen HS
The courses seemed to be sequential and intuitive, in addition to always being able to go back into a course for reference. Learning at my own pace saved me some time on both the education and setup parts of that transition

A FrameworkAcademy User When asked about the positive impact of FrameworkAcademy

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We have facilities and employees all over the state, so I was trying to coordinate training with 14 other employees. Even virtually, that is nearly impossible to accomplish. FrameworkAcademy allowed me to introduce training to them on their own time and track their progress as needed.

Dakin Updegraff, Informatics Pharmacist & Billing Manager LifeSpan Pharmacy

We just transitioned from another product to FrameworkECM back in April ’23, and I wish we had this available for that transition as well. I’m looking forward to seeing new courses in the future for my own learning and training my teams!

A FrameworkAcademy User When asked if they'd recommend FrameworkAcademy to others

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Want to See FrameworkLTC In Action?

Request a demo and discover how our platform can transform your LTC facility.