The Cost of Drama to Your Work, Your Company, and You Personally: 
How The Power of Choice Changes Everything

Featuring Beth Davis, VP People, SoftWriters

Many organizations never fully realize the goals and hoped-for benefits of their organizational transformation and growth efforts because precious time, skills, and attention are spent on unhealthy workplace drama. The cost of drama can be measured in a number of ways – ailing patient/customer satisfaction scores, lower than expected sales, undesirable turnover, and in things like reputation, innovation stagnation, change resistance, and stress inducing disengagement both of your employees and your customers (patients).

Recognizing the cost of drama is a great place to start and learning more about an alternative choice to how we show up and take action and avoid this cost is even better. Leaning into self-leadership, coaching, empathy, and a hyper-focus on the pursuit of outcomes instead of reacting to the problem of the day is a liberating shift that can unleash any organization’s power and potential.

Based on the work of David Emerald, The Power of TED* and 3 Vital Questions™, in a fast paced, highly interactive session we will explore:

  • What drama looks like in action and the roles we all can choose to play in it
  • Where empowerment can be the antidote to unhealthy drama
  • Ways to recognize your choice when faced with drama
  • How to identify if drama is taking a toll on you, your team, your customer, and your organization

Leaving our session you will be able to:

  • Recognize how an over-focus on problems can lead to reactive behaviors that result in unhealthy drama, inconsistent results, and measurable disengagement
  • Understand how maintaining an outcome focus supports behaviors that result in greater empowerment, change acceptance, and observable employee engagement
  • Learn helpful self-coaching approaches that enable you to shift yourself out of drama to an empowered place and how to invite others to make the shift with you

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Beth Davis


Beth Davis

Vice President of People at SoftWriters

Beth Davis has a passion and belief that everyone in a company is responsible for HR, people development, and creating company culture. Beth is the founder of The Llewellin Group and LLEWP. She passionately works with people serious about bringing the Agile mindset and principles with the Scrum framework and values forward in their workplaces. She has a diverse global, professional background and has demonstrated success in applying Agile methods in operating HR and People Development.  She is committed to changing the role HR plays in organizations seeking to embrace the Agile mindset and methods as a mean to promoting thriving workplace cultures that inspire innovation and value creation.


Beth is a certified Scrum@Scale Practitioner, Professional Scrum Master and is a certified facilitator of the iCAgile – Agile Talent certification program. Beth also holds certification as a Senior Professional in Human Resources and is a certified trainer of 3VQ aimed at developing self-coaching and leadership capabilities in everyone she gets to work with.  She has deep experience and belief in Servant Leadership and brings that mindset when working with teams to embrace shared leadership, culture change, and lasting transformation.